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Child Safe Policy

Dapto Uniting Church Child Safe Policy

1.   Introduction

1.1    Dapto Uniting Church is a child safe organisation, and we welcome all children, young people and their families.

1.2    We believe that every individual deserves love, respect, integrity, and compassion. Our church is dedicated to creating safe and welcoming environments, particularly for children. Through our services and programs, we promote positive and respectful relationships among our youth.

1.3    We are committed to providing an environment in which children can thrive and feel safe, knowing that their participation is valued, their views are respected and their voices – about things which affect their lives – are heard.

1.4    The prevention and response to child abuse necessitate the active participation of both individuals and the broader Dapto Uniting Church community. This comprehensive policy encompasses all ministries, programs, and activities undertaken by Dapto Uniting Church. It is applicable to all ministry agents, contractors, employees, volunteers, and members associated with the church. The policy sets forth guidelines and procedures aimed at safeguarding children, promoting awareness, and ensuring timely and effective responses to any incidents of abuse. It underscores the collective responsibility of the church community in creating a safe environment for children and emphasizes the importance of vigilance, accountability, and adherence to ethical standards in all church-related activities.

2.   Purpose

2.1    We prioritise the safety of all children and vulnerable people in accordance with various external standards and regulations, such as the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the relevant NSW State and Australian Federal legislation.

2.2    The purpose of this Policy to demonstrate clearly our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children through:

a)    Establishing policies, processes and procedures that aim to safeguard children and young people in our communities.

b)    Ensuring that our complaints processes are child friendly.

c)    Requiring all members and volunteers working with children to undergo training to recognise signs of potential harm to children and to respond appropriately.

d)    Identifying, addressing and preventing Reportable Conduct (as defined in the NSW Children’s Guardian Act).

3.   Scope

3.1    This policy applies to all activities, ministries, programs, activities and events of Dapto Uniting Church.

4.   Our Commitments

4.1    All children and young people involved in any of the Dapto Uniting Church’s activities, services, events or programs have a right to feel and to be valued and safe.

4.2    All Dapto Uniting Church activities will have measures in place to establish systems that create a culture which promotes child wellbeing and prevents harm. As relevant and appropriate, program leaders will consciously and systematically:

a)    Create an environment where children and young people are cared for, respected, nurtured and sustained, and their safety and wellbeing are central to thought, values and actions.

b)    Place emphasis on genuine engagement with, and valuing of children.

c)    Create conditions that reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people.

d)    Create conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying any harm.

e)    Support the active participation of young people in programs and provide a range of ways for children and young people to provide feedback or raise concerns.

f)    Respond to any concerns, disclosures, allegations or suspicions.

g)    Ensure that any policy, practice or decision-making which affects the safety of children and young people considers child safety as a primary need.

h)    Take steps to ensure that relevant environments are safe, including online environments.

i)    Safeguard children and young people from any forms of abuse, harm and neglect.

j)    Uphold the law and NSW Child Safety Standards from the Office of the Children’s Guardian, including the reporting of abuse, allegations of abuse, harm and neglect to the appropriate authorities.


4.3    The views of children and young people will be taken seriously. We will, as far as is practicable, involve children and young people when decisions are being made about matters that directly affect them.

4.4    We promote positive respect-based relationships between children, young people and adults and between children, young people and their peers.

4.5    We are dedicated to acknowledging the significant role of parents, carers, and families in ensuring the safety of children and young people. We will actively seek and consider their feedback when appropriate. This includes creating open channels of communication where concerns can be raised and addressed promptly, involving them in the decision-making processes that affect the well-being of children, and providing resources and support to empower them in their caregiving roles. By fostering a collaborative environment, we aim to create a comprehensive network of care that prioritises the holistic development and safety of every child.

4.6    We acknowledge and commit to support the needs of children and young people with diverse needs and contexts including:

a)    Those who live with a disability.

b)    Are neurodiverse.

c)    Those who live away from home.

d)    First Nations people.

e)    Culturally and linguistically diverse.

f)    Those who identify as LGBTQIA+.

g)    Those who may be challenged with their self-identity or feelings of discomfort in their own body.


4.7    We are committed to ensuring that all our people are suitable and supported, especially those who work with children and young people.

4.8    We will ensure that there are sufficient trained leaders and supervisors for all programs involving children or young people to support the safety and wellbeing of all people involved.

4.9    We will ensure that anyone working with children and young people:

a)    Has been appropriately screened.

b)    Has completed an appropriate child safe induction process.

c)    Has completed approved Child Safe training within the past three years. Dapto Uniting Church reserves the right to move or stand down anyone who has not completed mandatory training within the specified timeframe, until such training is adequately completed.

d)    Holds a current NSW Working with Children Clearance.

Complaints and reporting

4.10    Zero Tolerance for Harm: At Dapto Uniting Church, we maintain a zero-tolerance stance toward any actions that could harm children or young people. We are committed to taking proactive measures to identify and manage any risks related to their safety.

4.11    Child-Focused Complaints Processes: We prioritise child safety by implementing dedicated complaints processes. Any concerns related to child safety will be promptly addressed.

4.12    Mandatory Reporting and Training: We uphold our responsibilities regarding mandatory reporting and reportable conduct. To ensure compliance, we provide appropriate training to all relevant ministers, employees, activity leaders, and volunteers.

Risk Management

4.13    We commit to identifying potential risks proactively and taking all reasonable steps to mitigate those risks, whether in the physical or online environment.

4.14    All Dapto Uniting Church programs and activities involving children should have a documented risk strategy, maintain records of risk assessments and the steps taken to mitigate identified risks. If activity leaders require assistance, we will provide help.

4.15    All Dapto Uniting Church programs will implement the Dapto Uniting Church Persons of Concern risk management strategy.


4.16    All policies and procedures relating to children and young people will be publicly available on the Dapto Uniting Church’s website.

4.17    Parents and families will be provided with access to all relevant policies and procedures, including complaints processes, relating to the specific programs that their child or young person is enrolled in or attending.

Documentation and Review

4.18    Child Safety is an agenda item at Church Council meetings and leadership meetings.

4.19    We commit to creating and maintaining appropriate records in a way that balances transparency of practices with confidentiality of personal information.

4.20    Dapto Uniting Church is committed to regularly reviewing its child safety policies and procedures. This review occurs every two years and can also be triggered at any time by three key factors:

a)  Legislative or Regulatory Changes: Whenever relevant legislation or regulations change, the church promptly evaluates and updates its policies. 

b) Incident Root Cause Analyses: Additionally, the church conducts reviews in response to relevant root cause analyses of incidents, as appropriate.

c) Updated Policies and Procedures from the NSW.ACT Synod: If Synod advises that they have updated or reviewed their policies and procedures, we will automatically review our policies and procedures in line with the changes suggested by Synod.


5.1    Church Council is responsible for:

a)    Child safety strategy and policy oversight

b)    Approval of all Ministries, activities and programs carried out in the name of Dapto Uniting Church.

c)    Oversight of ministry and activity child safety practices

d)    Ensuring appropriate resourcing is allocated to implement child safe practices

e)    Monitoring of activity compliance to legislative requirements and key frameworks

5.2    Leaders of activities are responsible for;

a) Ensuring Safe Church policies are implemented in all activities.

b) Ensuring processes are appropriately followed when there is a concern of child abuse or harm.

c) Prioritising child safe practices at an operational level.

d) Ensuring all workers (including contractors) are suitably screened, trained and competent.

e) Modelling a child safety culture.

5.3    All employees and volunteers are expected to:

a)    Participate in child safety training provided by the Synod or their nominated provider every three years.

b)    Always uphold and abide by Dapto Uniting Church policies, guidelines, codes of conduct and procedures.

c)    Promptly raise any identified concerns about the safety of one or more children or young people.

d)    Ensure the views of children and young people are taken seriously and that their voices are heard.

e)    Promote child safe practices across all activities.

6.    Policy Review

6.1    This policy is to be reviewed every two years by the Dapto Safe Church Team and amendments approved by the Dapto Church Council.

7. Approval

7.1    This Policy was approved by Church Council at its meeting on 29 January 2025.