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Responding to concerns Policy

Dapto Uniting Church Policy for Responding to Concerns about Vulnerable People (including Children)

1.  Introduction


1.1.    This policy embodies the core values and guiding principles of Dapto Uniting Church, which are grounded in the broader framework of the Uniting Church in Australia. Central to these values is the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as the supreme head of the Church. This foundation shapes all aspects of our governance, decision-making, and responses to concerns within our community.

1.2.    In line with this acknowledgment, the Church entrusts the governance and stewardship of its ministries to its members, recognising and respecting the diverse gifts, skills, and responsibilities bestowed upon the people of God. This shared leadership approach reflects the biblical principle that every believer has a role to play in the body of Christ, fostering a collaborative, respectful, and inclusive environment.

1.3.    Through this policy, Dapto Uniting Church reaffirms its commitment to uphold these values by ensuring that all concerns are addressed with integrity, transparency, and compassion, in ways that honour the contributions and responsibilities of all members.

A Culture of Safety

1.4.    Dapto Uniting Church believes that all people, including children, are made in the image of God. As a Christian community we believe that God reaches out to us in love and acceptance, and that our relationships with each other should express love, care and respect. Central to living out the gospel is to love God and to love others. As a community of faith, we are committed to providing safe environments for all people including children, so that they may live life in all its fullness.

1.5.    Concern for the safety and wellbeing of all, including children and young people, is part of our call to respect and value all people universally. Dapto Uniting Church is committed to supporting children, young people and vulnerable adults, including by cooperating with relevant government agencies.

2.    Purpose

2.1.    This policy provides guidance on how to respond to concerns about children and vulnerable adults. In some instances, representatives of the church will be required to report concerns to government authorities so that the concerns can be addressed appropriately.

2.2.    There are specific circumstances where individuals will be required to make reports to authorities, but everyone has a responsibility to respond where there are concerns regarding welfare or safety.

3.    Scope

3.1.    This policy applies to Dapto Uniting Church and all its ministries, programs and activities, without exception.

4.    Regulatory Context

4.1.    Mandatory Reporting

Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW)

4.2.    Responsibility to report to police.

Crimes Act NSW s316 and 316A (concealing offences)

4.3.    If someone contacts you about a concern of harm to a child or vulnerable person, especially if that person is a child or vulnerable person, it is important to remember to:

  • Listen
  • Reassure them that appropriate action will be taken.
  • Don’t ask leading questions or attempt to assess the validity of the concern.

5.    Identifying harm or risk of harm

5.1.    A concern regarding a child or vulnerable person may arise from:

a)    Disclosure by the child or vulnerable person

b)    Disclosure by another person

c)    Information provided by another organisation

d)    Observations and interactions with or about the child or vulnerable person

e)    Concerns or disclosures may relate to actual harm or risk of harm

5.2.    Harm or risk of harm can include:

a)    Sexual abuse

b)    Physical abuse

c)    Sexual misconduct

d)    Serious neglect

e)    Behaviour which may cause serious psychological harm

f)    Exposure of a child to Domestic and Family Violence;

g)    Any other reason for concern.

5.3.    Anyone who considers that a child or vulnerable person may be at risk of harm is encouraged to take steps to assist.

5.4.    If concerns arise due to a direct disclosure:

a)    Listen: Demonstrate the importance of the communication by careful listening. Be careful not to ask leading questions. Ask only clarifying questions. Do not express doubt about what is being communicated.

b)    Reassure: Affirm that the person has done the right thing by passing on the information and that their concerns will be taken seriously. Do not make any specific promises about what will happen next.

c)    Record: make a written record of the complaint or disclosure, using the exact words where possible

6.    Responding to concerns

6.1.    If there is any immediate danger or harm, call Emergency Services 000

6.2.    Reporting to Police

a)    If there has been a serious offence or a child related offence, contact Police on 131 444 to report.

b)    It is a criminal offence for any adult to fail to report a child abuse offence to police if they:

  • believe, know or ought to know that a Child Abuse Offence or serious offence has been committed; and
  • believe, know of ought to know that they have information that might be of material assistance to the NSW Police; and
  • fail without reasonable excuse to bring that information to the NSW Police as soon as practicable.

Reasonable excuses include:

  • believing that the Police or DCJ are already aware of the information,
  • believing that the victim does not wish a report to be made (only if the victim is now an adult), or
  • having reasonable grounds to fear for the safety of the victim if a report is made.

6.3.    Reporting to Child Protection Authorities

a)    Any person in religious ministry or providing religion-based activities to children is a Mandatory Reporter

b)    A Mandatory Reporter who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child aged under 16 is at risk of significant harm must make a report to the Department of Communities and Justice.

c)    A Mandatory Reporter may report concerns relating to a child aged 16 or 17, and is encouraged, but not legally required, to do so.

d)    A person who is not a Mandatory Reporter may report concerns regarding any child, and is encouraged, but not legally required, to do so.

e)    Reports to the Department of Communities and Justice may be made:

  • Using the Mandatory Reporter Guide (MRG) at; or
  • By phone to the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111
  • A written record should be made and kept regarding any Mandatory Report, including any report for which the MRG recommended alternative action.

f)    Any person who has reported to the Department of Communities and Justice is encouraged to advise the Dapto Uniting Church Safe Church Team and the Synod Culture of Safety Team at

6.4.    Reportable allegations relating to Church employees and volunteers

a)    Any person who receives information regarding harm or risk of harm caused by a UCA Minister, employee or volunteer, is encouraged to report this using the Speak Out line. More information is available in the Dapto Uniting Church Complaints Policy.

b)    Any Minister, employee or volunteer who received information regarding harm or risk of harm caused by a UCA Minister, employee or volunteer, must report this information to the General Secretary directly or using the Speak Out service.

7.    Confidentiality

7.1.    Any disclosure or suspicion should be treated confidentially, with relevant information shared only where:

a)    necessary for risk management in the congregation or entity; or

b)    necessary for appropriate record keeping and support; or

c)    necessary for the protection of children in other entities and shared in accordance with the provisions of relevant information sharing legislation.

8.    Definitions

8.1.    Mandated reporter

Any person in religious ministry or any person providing religion-based activities to children is a mandatory reporter.

8.2.    Risk of significant harm

A child is at risk of significant harm if current concerns exist for the safety, welfare or well-being of the child or young person because of the presence, to a significant extent, of any one or more of the following circumstances:

  • the child’s or young person’s basic physical or psychological needs are not being met or are at risk of not being met;
  • the parents or other caregivers have not arranged and are unable or unwilling to arrange for the child or young person to receive necessary medical care;
  • the child or young person has been, or is at risk of being, physically or sexually abused or illtreated;
  • the child or young person is living in a household where there have been incidents of domestic violence and, consequently, the child or young person is at risk of serious physical or psychological harm; and/or
  • a parent or other caregiver has behaved in such a way towards the child or young person that the child or young person has suffered or is at risk of suffering serious psychological harm.

9.    Policy Responsibility, ownership and support

9.1.    This policy is to be reviewed every three years by the Safe Church Team, or earlier if changes are recommended by Synod or related legislation changes, with any suggested amendments to be approved by the Church Council.

10.    Approval

Thai policy was approved by the Dapto Uniting Church Coucil at its meeting on 29 January 2025.