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Screening Policy

Dapto Uniting Church Screening Policy

 1.    Purpose

1.1.    This policy outlines the process for conducting background checks for anyone working with Dapto Uniting Church, paid or unpaid, employed or volunteer. These checks are part of creating a culture of safety and must be complemented by ongoing training, supervision, and other risk mitigation strategies.

1.2.    Conducting thorough background checks is essential to ensure that individuals who work with Dapto Uniting Church meet the necessary standards of trustworthiness and reliability. Background checks help identify any past behaviour that might pose a risk to the safety and well being of those involved with the church, including congregants, staff, and volunteers.

1.3.    Ongoing training plays a crucial role in maintaining this culture of safety. It ensures that all personnel are regularly updated on best practices, legal requirements, and the latest information related to safety and security. Training sessions may cover topics such as recognising signs of abuse, responding appropriately to incidents, and understanding the responsibilities and boundaries of their roles. Our Safe Church Workshops

1.4.    Supervision is another key component, providing continuous oversight to ensure adherence to policies and procedures. Regular check-ins and reviews with supervisors can help address any concerns early on and provide support and guidance to staff and volunteers.

1.5.    Other risk mitigation strategies could include implementing clear reporting mechanisms for issues or concerns, establishing a code of conduct, and fostering an environment where open communication is encouraged. By combining background checks with these comprehensive measures, Dapto Uniting Church aims to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved.

1.6.    Some screening processes may be specifically mandated by legislation, and most screening processes address the duty to take reasonable steps to prevent harm.

1.7.    The complexity of the screening process required will vary according to the specific requirements of each position.

2.    Scope

2.1.    This policy applies to all Dapto Uniting Church programs, ministries, events or activities, as well as all employees, contractors and High Trust volunteers.

2.2.    Under UCA Regulations, all Uniting Church organisations must undertake background checks on existing and prospective paid and unpaid workers in accordance with the categories in this policy.

3.    Policy Statement

3.1.    The Dapto Uniting Church is committed to ensuring that anyone who works for or on behalf of the church is suitable for their role.

3.2.    Any person engaged by Dapto Uniting Church, whether paid or volunteer must undergo some form of screening or background check. The level of background check required will be appropriate to the nature of the role or roles for which the person is to be engaged.

3.3.    Screening and background checks may include:

a)    Application form

b)    Interview

c)    Working with Children Check

d)    Screening questions

e)    Reference and credentials check

f)    Entitlement to Work in Australia check

g)    Financial Checks

h)    Physical Checks

4.    Definitions

4.1.    A ‘Dapto Uniting Church program, ministry, event or activity’ includes all activities for which the Church Council have approved an Annual Approval of Ministry Form for the current calendar year.

4.2.    An ‘employee’ is anyone who is engaged in work for Dapto Uniting Church, regardless of whether they are paid or not. This includes Elders, Church Council and committee members, staff, activity leaders, and volunteers. A participant in a program is not necessarily a volunteer unless they have additional leadership responsibilities.

5.    Basic Screening requirements

5.1.    All paid workers and volunteers must complete an application form or information form before commencing any work. This form must require information relevant to the proposed role, such as full name, date of birth, contact details, relevant medical conditions, and emergency contact details.

5.2.    All paid workers and volunteers must complete an interview prior to commencing any work. The interview should identify the expectations of the role and take reasonable steps to ensure that the individual is appropriate for the role proposed.

5.3.    Where a role is not paid work and not child-related it may be appropriate for interviews to be held as a group.

5.4.    Where a role will, or is likely to, involve child-related work, the interview should include questions specific to Safe Church considerations.

5.5.    All paid workers and volunteers in child related roles must provide at least two references.

5.6.    The references must be contacted by a representative of the activity or ministry in which they will work, or a member of Church Council.

5.7.    For child-related roles, the references must include questions regarding the suitability of the person for child-related work.

5.8.    It may be appropriate for references to be obtained from members of the congregation, Church Council Member, Elder or a Dapto Uniting Church activity leader.

5.9.    All paid workers and volunteers must indicate a willingness to sign the relevant Code of Conduct before commencing work with Dapto Uniting Church.

6.    Working with Children Check Obligations

6.1.    A Working with Children Check (WWCC) is mandatory for anyone in NSW involved in child related work.

6.2.    Working with Children Clearances are valid for five (5) years, unless revoked (or partially revoked) earlier. The Office of the Children’s Guardian will proactively advise all verified organisations if there is any action taken in relation to the WWCC of a worker the organisation has verified

6.3.    Child-related work is defined in the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (section 6) and Child Protection (Working with Children) Regulation 2013 (reg 13)

6.4.    The Synod of NSW and the ACT requires that:

a)    All ordained ministers must hold a Working with Children Check regardless of whether they engage in face-to-face contact with children.

b)    Synod requires that all employees or volunteers seeking to engage in child-related work must hold a Working with Children Check and must provide the relevant information to the relevant Uniting Church organisation for verification prior to engaging in any child-related work. This requirement applies even where the employee or volunteer is a parent or carer of a child in the program for which they are volunteering (i.e. we will not take advantage of the exemption available where a person has a child in the program).

c)    Dapto Uniting Church will verify the clearance status of any paid worker or volunteer before permitting them to engage in child-related work and record that verification and status.

6.5.    The Dapto Uniting Church Safe Church Team, must be advised if an employee or volunteer:

a)    does not hold a valid WWCC,

b)    has had their clearance subsequently revoked and/or a bar or limitation placed upon their capacity to work with children by the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian or

c)    is subject to a reportable conduct allegation or finding.

7.    Screening Questions

7.1.    Any paid worker or volunteer who will be engaged in a governance role, or child-related work, or regulated work with vulnerable people must answer a series of screening questions:

a)    Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a criminal offence?

b)    As an adult (18+ years) have you ever engaged in use, possession, production or distribution of child abuse material?

c)    Have you ever had an apprehended violence order, order for protection or the like issued against you as a result of allegations of violence, abuse, likely harm, harassment, stalking, etc?

d)    Has your membership of another church ever been suspended or revoked?

e)    Have you ever had permission to undertake paid or voluntary work with children or other vulnerable people refused, suspended or withdrawn in Australia or any other country?

f)    Has a child or dependent young person in your care ever been removed from your care by relevant authorities?

g)    Have you ever been refused a leadership role in another church?

h)    Other questions relevant to the specific role for which they are being considered.

8.    Criminal Record Check

8.1.    The Synod of NSW and the ACT may require a criminal record check where this is required by relevant legislation and/or otherwise appropriate. At present (2025) Dapto Uniting Church does not have any programs or activities where workers or volunteers require a criminal record check.

9.    Working Visa Verification

9.1.    Synod has indicated that it is the responsibility of Dapto Uniting Church to verify that any paid worker or volunteer has rights to engage in work in Australia.

9.2.    Any paid worker may be requested to supply evidence of their citizenship or visa prior to commencing work.

9.3.    If a paid worker is on a Visa, Dapto Uniting Church must check the conditions of the Visa using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service - Check visa conditions online (VEVO) (

9.4.    Most Visas provide the right to volunteer, but in some instances the voluntary work must be for less than 3 months and may have additional conditions.

10.    Physical Checks

10.1.    Dapto Uniting Church reserves the right to require prospective employees or volunteers to undergo a relevant health assessment prior to their appointment to any role that involves specific physical demands. This policy applies to both paid positions and volunteer opportunities.

11.    Responsibilities

11.1.    The Church Council will be responsible for ensuring that relevant screening is conducted, and appropriate records are created and maintained for any employees or volunteers of the congregation.

11.2.    The leaders of Dapto Uniting Church activities and ministries will be responsible for ensuring that Church Council has approved all workers and volunteers working in that activity. This does not apply to participants in the activity who do not have any additional leadership or governance responsibility.


12.1 This Policy was approved by Dapto Uniting Church Council on 29 January 2025.