An Expansion of our Mission Statement

The Mission Statement of Dapto Uniting has been confirmed at Mission Planning Workshops held in 2022 and continues as part of our Mission Plan 2023-2025.

Dapto Uniting Church … seeking to be recognised as followers of Jesus Christ working in and for the community

What is Mission to Dapto Uniting Church?

One way of looking at how Mission is defined in Dapto Uniting Church (DUC) is to have a look at our Mission Statement phrase by phrase. 

… seeking

When we established our Mission Statement in July 2009, we included the word “seeking” to convey the concept that we are on a journey, we are “a pilgrim people”. We are not claiming to have arrived, but our focus is on becoming. The Mission Statement is what the Congregation decided would be our focus, and all our activities are intended to be conducted in accordance with fulfilling our vision. This focus was reaffirmed in the development of our Mission Plan in 2023.

to be recognised

This phrase is intended to affirm the concept that a light should not be hidden. Our activity is intentional if it is obvious. We are desiring to be a witness to the love and grace of our God, sharing in obvious ways that love and grace to all the people we encounter.

as followers

"Followers" involves the concept of discipleship. We are followers in the sense that we copy the actions of, listen to the teaching of, and are empowered by the One whom we are following.

of Jesus Christ

We embark on a daring quest, following the trail of Jesus Christ, our Champion and the Divine Word made flesh. He is the essence of the everlasting God, intertwined with our mortal journey. In Him, we find our strength, our inspiration, and the paragon for our adventures.


Our quest is one of valour and triumph. We commune in prayer, seek heavenly navigation, and deliberate, then we forge ahead. Our endeavor is hands-on engagement, and where our endeavours fall short, we bolster each other with our liberality, working with our fellow champions labouring within and for the heart of our community.

in and for

There are two aspects of our active mission. We see ourselves as part of the community and our focus is on the community.

the community

In crafting our Mission Statement, we ignited a vibrant dialogue to define “the community.” Our consensus cast a net as broad as the horizon itself. It embraces not only our cherished church family but extends to our neighbors near and far, spanning from our local haunts to the global stage. Our commitment knows no bounds—unrestrained by geography, creed, culture, identity, gender identity or race. We labour for all, a beacon of unity and service in an unbounded fellowship.